niedziela, 9 września 2018

Reflection #1

Recently i've come back to an old hobby of mine from years ago, which is making enclosures for insects and other exotic invertabrates. It is thanks to my good friend who visited me in july (He currently lives in Sweden). He brought me a gift and an unusual as well. It was a Scorpio (Heterometrus Petersii). I was a little shocked at first as i've never liked arachnids. I'm more of an insect person actually. I ended up keeping it and named him (or her, i'm not really sure) Leopold. I had an old terrarium laying in my basement, I took it upstairs, cleaned it and set it up with some basic elements like a thermometer and a water dish. And so it became Leopold's new home. But with great pets come great responsibilities. I needed to buy him food (crickets) and keep the air inside his terrarium humid. I also wanted to make him as comfortable as possible, so i bought some good quality substrate and after 3 weeks or so i did an overhaul on his enclosure. Now he's enjoying his new home. Apart from that i've noticed a big improvement in my self-discipline and overall mood. It has actually helped me with homework and such. On top of that i finally have something interesting to do in my spare time. Another major improvement i'm very proud of is that i've actually grown to like arachnids. I used to cringe just from thinking about the creepy-crawlies but now i see that they're very misunderstood. Here are some pictures of Leopold's current terrarium, i'm looking forward to improving it in the future.