wtorek, 13 listopada 2018

Should certain animals be given rights and status of non-human persons?

Recently the topic of rights being given to animals has popped up.  It is about time that humanity realises that it has to watch over the life on earth. Therefore i strongly agree with granting certain animals rights. Here are some arguments:

Firstly, it can not only help the animals but the ecosystem as a whole. Fore example if we intensify the protection of certain animal's natural habitats, it will certainly help preserve other species sharing this region. In my opinion, the protected regions should not only cover the species' home, but also a reasonable part of the surrounding land to allow for expansion and small migrations. This would further encourage the ecosystem to dynamically develop and thrive.

Secondly, certain animals display high levels of both emotional and cognitive intelligence. They establish communities, hierarchies and family-like relations, therefore extra measures should be taken to ensure they are not exposed not only to physical pain, but emotional harm. Just because they belong to a different species does not mean we should not show compassion towards them.

Many may say, that it is an insult to us humans, comparing lesser species such as apes to ourselves. Well, in my opinion it is quite the opposite: the next step in human development. Only this way we can help nature survive so that we can mostly understand it.