wtorek, 12 lutego 2019

Report 1

Today i watched a very interesting TED talk by Heather Barnett. It was about a certain type of mould  (which isn’t biologically mould) that posseses a peculiar type of intelligence. The mould itself is actually created by many identical cells merging together to create a so called „megacell”. It is actually able to solve basic puzzles and some people even use it to create art. The same mould was also used by the japanese to help reorganise the tokyo underground!

A subject matter - It is a very interesting subject matter.
To have the final say - The king had the final say in the middle ages when it came to most of the decisions.
Foraging - The monkey forages on fruits and small insects.

Link to the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2UxGrde1NDA&t=1s

2 komentarze:

  1. Isn't it just 'subject matter', as in 'The subject matter of her paintings is always childhood'?

    1. Oh dear, You’re absolutely right. I’ll correct it right away.
