niedziela, 17 marca 2019


St. Andrew’s Bay is the busiest beach on earth. It is home of the glorious, but clumsy king penguins. However, the life of it’s residents isn’t easy. Parents often need to venture out into the ocean in search of food, leaving their chicks unattended for as long as 5 months. (it us also worth noting that the chicks strongly resemble fluffy, overgrown corndogs) Some of the weaker chicks may starve to death or get eaten by fierce predators. Fortunately, the majority lives through the harsh winter to see their parents return with bellies full of precious food. The beach is also a great example of enviournmental protection done right. Since the 1920s the population of penguins has grown from just over a thousand to a whopping 400.000.

Could you bring me some of that kindling? The logs may need a little help with burning.
Awe inspiring
His speech was truly awe inspiring.
To my surprise he was unfazed after i told him i was pregnant.

Link to the video:

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