niedziela, 24 marca 2019

How trees talk to each other

Thirty years ago an experiment was conducted in Canada. It's goal was to determine whether neighboring trees communicate with each other. The results were groundbreaking, it turned out that young trees not only help each other but also receive nutrients from their "Parent". On top of that, dying or sick trees send information (in the form of various chemical compounds) to their neighbors, enabling them to defend themselves against the incoming danger. This form of mutual exchange wouldn't be possible without mycorrhizal netwerks, which often connect entire forests together! Each of the trees acts like a node. However, some of them are much more important than others, as they connect numerous plants and distribute large amounts of excess nutrients among their neighbors. Another interesting thing that we learn from Ms. Simard, is that our artificial forests lack complexity. Because of that, they are more susceptible to diseases and climate change. People must understand that we cannot simply grow another forest from scratch. However, if we left the "mother trees" untouched while deforestating, they would enable the ecosystem to regenerate much faster. Also, contrary to popular belief the country with the highest deforestation rate isn't Brazil, but Canada.

To reinforce
The engineer decided to reinforce the dam, which was beginning to crumble.
To come into focus
I couldn't piece the evidence together, but suddenly it all came into focus.
To shuttle
The train shuttles between Berlin and Warsaw.

Link to the video:

1 komentarz:

  1. Great! Finally your blog is back on.
    How do you recognise a 'mother tree' in a forest? Also, if the seed came from quite far away (blown by the wind or brought in an animal's poo), the new tree cannot really get nutrients from its mother, which would be far away. How does it work then?
