niedziela, 19 maja 2019

You Didn’t Know Mushrooms Could Do All This

Fungi can be used in many different ways. Some of them are a very nutritious food source. Others can filter water or even remove severe pollution. A new theory suggests, that if a fungus is exposed to any form of bacteria, it produces antibiotics against it. This could potentially be a massive breakthrough in develeping new forms of treatment against dangerous bacteria. Mushrooms can even be used as a building material that provides decent insulation and durability. This is just a handful of ways in which fungi can be used to help both humans and the enironment.

I was feeling a little bored so i just scampered about in the park to kill some time.
Many building materials are favored for their flame retardance.
I'll be cleaning the windows. In the meatime you can wash the dishes.

Link to the video:

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