niedziela, 25 marca 2018

Colonizing Space

First of all i'd like to clearly state that i may have quite an unusual view on the issue (some may even call it irrational), so it's completly ok for you to take it with a grain of salt.
In my opinion the human race is quite bold in it's claims. Mainly with acting all superior on our planet. We are the most "intelligent" species on earth, yet we can't see that as a whole it is a giant living entity itself. A contraption that relies on every single cog, every single lever it contains. By destroying our planet we have shown that there is no end to our arrogance. One thing that people need to understand is that just by assuming that our planet will be uninhabitable anyways, doesn't mean we morally have the right to abandon it. We are but a pest on a tree, moving on to feed on our next victim as our host dies. The problem cannot be solved just by changing our technology to suit the enviourment as we still produce weapons centered around mass destruction. The issue lies in human nature itself. We are greedy, arrogant and we still think that we've been blessed by existing in this world while the truth is the direct opposite: it's the world that has been cursed with the plague of humankind. So yeah, colonizing space is a "no, no" for me. That is unless we will finally break free from the bonds of our past and abandon all destructive conflicts. That doesn't mean we can't explore it though! Space is a true miracle, a place of wonderful diversity, and one that we'll never truelly understand.

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