niedziela, 25 marca 2018

Who is to blame for obesity?

In my opinion, it's the lack of warnings, our laziness and selfishness.
Many people simply don't have time or money to prepare homemade, relatively healthy and nutritious meals. That is why many hard wokers eat at places like McDonald's or Wendy's in the US for example. Also a growing threat is "fat acceptance". I get that many people are scarred for life, or have visual abnormalities that make them uneasy about their appearance. This may lead to social isolation or even depression in the worst scenarios, but applying the same logic to an overweight or obese person just doesn't work! We are sculpters of our bodies and"having little time" or not "having enough money to go to the gym" are not valid excuses when your life can be at stake! The human will can do wonders.
I myself was once fat. I was not happy with my body, but i knew that it was entirely my fault as i really liked eating and did'nt get much excersise. But one day i decided to change things a bit. I bought myself a treadmill as it was late autumn and i didn't want to run outside in the cold. When i first got onto the treadmill and started running i did'nt even make it past the 10 minutes mark on low speed. I felt ashamed and weak, but i kept going every day, eventually adding some more excersises and changing my diet. I ended up doing pushups, situps, squats and running every single day for 5 months. I've lost 17 kilograms. While i tormented my body my mind stayed sane and led me to the finish line. I am happy with what i achieved and i still excersise to improve the controll that i have over my body. I think that we need to know that we can always improve. Stop making excuses, save your life.

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