wtorek, 13 listopada 2018

Should certain animals be given rights and status of non-human persons?

Recently the topic of rights being given to animals has popped up.  It is about time that humanity realises that it has to watch over the life on earth. Therefore i strongly agree with granting certain animals rights. Here are some arguments:

Firstly, it can not only help the animals but the ecosystem as a whole. Fore example if we intensify the protection of certain animal's natural habitats, it will certainly help preserve other species sharing this region. In my opinion, the protected regions should not only cover the species' home, but also a reasonable part of the surrounding land to allow for expansion and small migrations. This would further encourage the ecosystem to dynamically develop and thrive.

Secondly, certain animals display high levels of both emotional and cognitive intelligence. They establish communities, hierarchies and family-like relations, therefore extra measures should be taken to ensure they are not exposed not only to physical pain, but emotional harm. Just because they belong to a different species does not mean we should not show compassion towards them.

Many may say, that it is an insult to us humans, comparing lesser species such as apes to ourselves. Well, in my opinion it is quite the opposite: the next step in human development. Only this way we can help nature survive so that we can mostly understand it.

poniedziałek, 8 października 2018

My solution for Procrastination

I’ve recently noticed a particular nasty habit of mine popping up from time to time. I often find myself distracted by irrelevant tasks just to try and escape the inevitable (which is doing my homework for example). As much as i hate to admit it, it’s mostly the fault of my phone. Watching pointless videos, reading articles or checking social media. It’s made me realise how much of a difference a solid work schedule can make. It’s much easier for me to put away my phone and focus on chores when i have a predefined plan. I think that all people who face this problem should give this method a try, but with a small tweak. In my opinion we should design our schedules at the start of the week. Then we can create a much more detailed and personalized one, instead of something more superficial. I also think that just by seeing that tick next to an activity we get an extra dose of satisfaction and accomplishement. Even the smaller ones like watering plants or dusting a shelf can give us that sense of progress. When following such a plan i occasionally find myself putting in extra effort and finishing some tasks a day in advance. I hope that in the future i’ll part ways with this nasty habit once and for all.
Thank you for your feedback!

niedziela, 9 września 2018

Reflection #1

Recently i've come back to an old hobby of mine from years ago, which is making enclosures for insects and other exotic invertabrates. It is thanks to my good friend who visited me in july (He currently lives in Sweden). He brought me a gift and an unusual as well. It was a Scorpio (Heterometrus Petersii). I was a little shocked at first as i've never liked arachnids. I'm more of an insect person actually. I ended up keeping it and named him (or her, i'm not really sure) Leopold. I had an old terrarium laying in my basement, I took it upstairs, cleaned it and set it up with some basic elements like a thermometer and a water dish. And so it became Leopold's new home. But with great pets come great responsibilities. I needed to buy him food (crickets) and keep the air inside his terrarium humid. I also wanted to make him as comfortable as possible, so i bought some good quality substrate and after 3 weeks or so i did an overhaul on his enclosure. Now he's enjoying his new home. Apart from that i've noticed a big improvement in my self-discipline and overall mood. It has actually helped me with homework and such. On top of that i finally have something interesting to do in my spare time. Another major improvement i'm very proud of is that i've actually grown to like arachnids. I used to cringe just from thinking about the creepy-crawlies but now i see that they're very misunderstood. Here are some pictures of Leopold's current terrarium, i'm looking forward to improving it in the future.

poniedziałek, 18 czerwca 2018

Does art need to be bautiful?

To answer this question we need to define the concept of beauty first. I will assume that it is only related to the aesthetics and overall pleasing form. In my opinion art definetely doesn’t have to be beautiful, as different people’s preferences may differ from each other. The most important aspect of an artpiece, whether it is a painting or a musical composition etc. Is the goal the artist has set for it to achiev. True, many paintings (for example) are created to capture the core beauty of various entities, but they’re just the top of the iceberg. Some pieces may focus on the natural imperfections of the human body by elevating them in some form. Others may push us to further personal interpretation or confuse our minds by clever artistic operations. Those works may seem unpleasant or even ugly at first, as their contents are not always appealing to our senses. They require us to dig deeper, to take a  dive and reflect on them. Art is not only a treat for our eyes or ears. It is fuel for our minds and culture.

Would you ever consider going vegan?

I would have to say „no”. Even though I’m really empathetic towards animals and i do dislike the way they’re treated in modern ways of breeding, i still wouldn’t take meat and dairy products out of my diet. Mostly because i have a strong appreciation for meat as an ingredient in cuisine. Plus it is a solid source of protein and iron. At the same time i have a strong craving for milk, as i drink it very often. Cheese is also an amazing ingredient and at the same time a treat in itself. The palette of flavours you can achieve by combining it with fruits or nuts is truely magnificent. To sum it all up: I wouldn’t go vegan even though i can see the benefits of it, as it would significantly impoverish my culinary palette.

niedziela, 25 marca 2018

What does it mean to be a real man in today's world?

No one can tell you how you have to act or set a standard for your character. Express yourself with respect and an open mind, stay true to what you believe and live your life to the fullest. I can't really answer that question in another way, as it just doesn't seem right to judge a person like that. Be yourself, however imperfect you may seem to others. All of us can achieve wonders with passion and hard work.

Why do people belive in superstitions?

I think that it's just a feeling that we get when we are presented with one of them. For example we get a feeling like "what if it really turns out true?". In my opinion the'll disappear soon enough. There really isn't much behind them. In some cases people get really desperate, for example many family members of missing individuals turn to psychics to get a little more hope when things are turning out grim. Another good exaple are people who are heartbroken or can't find love. They'll often believe in horoscopes and fortune telling.

Would you like to spend a week in the Mandarin Oriental ?

Not really, i kind of dislike high end places like this one. I find that renting a room from a family and staying there while having contact with people that see you as an equal is much more rewarding as you get more interaction with "real". I like to see how people live in places that i visit. I'd love to try and have a job in a foreign country. It'd be a wonderful way to meet and get to know new people. I don't mind seeing many of the various imperfections that countries have to offer. Closing yourself in a really expensive bubble isn't a good way to explore the world, unless you're just a snob and don't care.

Who is to blame for obesity?

In my opinion, it's the lack of warnings, our laziness and selfishness.
Many people simply don't have time or money to prepare homemade, relatively healthy and nutritious meals. That is why many hard wokers eat at places like McDonald's or Wendy's in the US for example. Also a growing threat is "fat acceptance". I get that many people are scarred for life, or have visual abnormalities that make them uneasy about their appearance. This may lead to social isolation or even depression in the worst scenarios, but applying the same logic to an overweight or obese person just doesn't work! We are sculpters of our bodies and"having little time" or not "having enough money to go to the gym" are not valid excuses when your life can be at stake! The human will can do wonders.
I myself was once fat. I was not happy with my body, but i knew that it was entirely my fault as i really liked eating and did'nt get much excersise. But one day i decided to change things a bit. I bought myself a treadmill as it was late autumn and i didn't want to run outside in the cold. When i first got onto the treadmill and started running i did'nt even make it past the 10 minutes mark on low speed. I felt ashamed and weak, but i kept going every day, eventually adding some more excersises and changing my diet. I ended up doing pushups, situps, squats and running every single day for 5 months. I've lost 17 kilograms. While i tormented my body my mind stayed sane and led me to the finish line. I am happy with what i achieved and i still excersise to improve the controll that i have over my body. I think that we need to know that we can always improve. Stop making excuses, save your life.

Colonizing Space

First of all i'd like to clearly state that i may have quite an unusual view on the issue (some may even call it irrational), so it's completly ok for you to take it with a grain of salt.
In my opinion the human race is quite bold in it's claims. Mainly with acting all superior on our planet. We are the most "intelligent" species on earth, yet we can't see that as a whole it is a giant living entity itself. A contraption that relies on every single cog, every single lever it contains. By destroying our planet we have shown that there is no end to our arrogance. One thing that people need to understand is that just by assuming that our planet will be uninhabitable anyways, doesn't mean we morally have the right to abandon it. We are but a pest on a tree, moving on to feed on our next victim as our host dies. The problem cannot be solved just by changing our technology to suit the enviourment as we still produce weapons centered around mass destruction. The issue lies in human nature itself. We are greedy, arrogant and we still think that we've been blessed by existing in this world while the truth is the direct opposite: it's the world that has been cursed with the plague of humankind. So yeah, colonizing space is a "no, no" for me. That is unless we will finally break free from the bonds of our past and abandon all destructive conflicts. That doesn't mean we can't explore it though! Space is a true miracle, a place of wonderful diversity, and one that we'll never truelly understand.